Top 3 challenges for in-house video stabilizer development

Many directors of imaging and product managers at bodycam, drone and similar businesses with integrated cameras are looking to secure better video stabilization. This is increasingly becoming a key competitive advantage, but there is more than one way to get a video stabilizer. Therefore, it’s important that you consider the merits of each path in terms of costs and benefits to choose the best solution for your business.

You could look for a hardware-based video stabilizer in the chipset, purchase a software-based solution that can be added onto existing platforms or even develop your own video stabilization software. If you’re considering going down the in-house path, you should first be sure to have a plan for tackling potential roadblocks. How will you make sure your video stabilizer can function effectively without draining the battery too fast? And will you be able to integrate and calibrate it to meet your specific business needs?


1.    Motion sensor-video stream synchronization

To function effectively, video stabilizers need data collected from motion sensors in the camera. First, the sensors must be synchronized with the video stream. You also need to find just the right . This is crucial for enabling the video stabilizer to adapt to the surrounding circumstances and correct for shakiness to the right extent. These are no easy tasks, and the world’s top video stabilization software vendors spend much time and effort to perfect them. Trying to figure out how to do it on your own from scratch could be like trying to reinvent the wheel.

Motion sensor-video stream synchronization is so crucial that failure in this one area could make your video stabilizer essentially useless.

2.    Energy optimization

Battery time is a key parameter that can make or break several B2B camera applications, especially battery-powered platforms like drones. Given that video stabilizers tend to consume much energy, finding ways to bring energy consumption to reasonable levels is crucial. What is reasonable may vary depending on your specific platform, but this is not something you can afford to neglect.

If your video stabilization software eats up half your drone flight time, that’s really shooting yourself in the foot.

3.    Integration and calibration

If you thought that your work would be done after developing the software, then you have another thing coming – because your video stabilizer needs to be carefully integrated into each type of camera you have. To be fit for purpose, your video stabilizer also needs to be calibrated and tuned for each specific application area. Integration, calibration and tuning are more of an art than a science so this can pose a great challenge if you don’t have the right experience.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for video stabilizers – integration, calibration and tuning are essential for achieving high video quality.

Find your path to outstanding video quality

Will you need to add other features besides video stabilization in the future, like noise reduction, AI-powered object tracking and zooming? Will your in-house team be able to keep up with the latest developments and continuously maintain and upgrade your video stabilizer? What will that require in terms of time, effort and expenses? These are all variables that you should consider before deciding if developing your video stabilization software in-house is the best path for you.

Securing better video quality can be a real competitive differentiator going forward, but you should naturally find the most effective way of doing that. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a no-obligation discussion of your needs and book a demo. For inspiration, insights and best practices for the next generation of video enhancement, enter your email address below and subscribe to our newsletter.



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