Investor Relations

General Meetings

General Meetings

Annual General Meeting 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will take place in Uppsala on May 21.


The shareholders of Vidhance AB (publ), reg. no. 556730-9751 (“the Company”) are hereby summoned to the annual general meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 2:00 PM at the Company’s premises, Kungsängsgatan 12, Uppsala.

Extraordinary General Meeting - December 14th 2023

The shareholders of IMINT Image Intelligence AB (publ), reg. no. 556730–9751 (the “Company”) are hereby invited to an extraordinary general meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 14.00 in Advokatfirman Lindahl’s premises, Vaksalagatan 10, Uppsala.

Extraordinary General Meeting - July 6th 2023

The shareholders of IMINT Image Intelligence AB (publ), registration no. 556730–9751 (the “Company”) are hereby invited to an extraordinary general meeting on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 10 a.m. in Advokatfirman Lindahl’s premises, Vaksalagatan 10, Uppsala.

Annual General Meeting 2023

The 2023 Annual General Meeting will take place in Uppsala on May 23.

Nomination Committee
The nomination committee of Imint Image Intelligence AB (Imint) for the AGM 2023 has been appointed. According to the decision at the AGM 2022, the nomination committee shall consist of representatives from the three major shareholders. The members of the nomination committee are Jonas Fridh, Johan Qviberg and Peter Ekerling. Jonas Fridh is Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Annual General Meeting 2022

The 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place in Uppsala on May 19.

Nomination Committee
The nomination committee of Imint Image Intelligence AB (Imint) for the AGM 2022 has been appointed. According to the decision at the AGM 2021, the nomination committee shall consist of representatives from the three major shareholders. The members of the nomination committee are Öjvind Norberg (Board and Management Öjvind Norberg AB), Peter Ekerling and Jonas Fridh. Öjvind Norberg is Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Annual General Meeting 2021

The 2021 Annual General Meeting will take place in Uppsala on May 10.

Nomination Committee
The nomination committee of Imint Image Intelligence AB (Imint) for the AGM 2021 has been appointed. According to the decision at the AGM 2020 and Extra GM 2020, the nomination committee shall consist of representatives from the three major shareholders. The members of the nomination committee are Öjvind Norberg (Board and Management Öjvind Norberg AB), Peter Ekerling and Andreas Ullman. Öjvind Norberg is Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Viktig information
Aktieägarna i IMINT Image Intelligence AB (publ), org. nr 556730–9751 (“Bolaget”), kallas härmed till årsstämma måndagen den 10 maj 2021. Mot bakgrund av risken för spridning av coronavirus och myndigheternas föreskrifter/råd om undvikande av sammankomster har styrelsen beslutat att bolagsstämman ska genomföras utan fysisk närvaro genom att aktieägare utövar sin rösträtt endast genom poströstning.

A1. Anmälan mm
Aktieägare som önskar delta i bolagsstämman ska

  1. vara införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken på avstämningsdagen fredagen den 30 april 2021, och
  2. senast fredagen den 7 maj 2021 anmäla sig till Bolaget genom att avge sin poströst i enlighet med anvisningarna nedan, så att anmälan och poströsten

Extraordinary General Meeting November 2020

Information Regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting November 2020

Annual General Meeting 2020

The 2020 Annual General Meeting will take place in Uppsala on May 11.

Nomination Committee
The nomination committee of Imint Image Intelligence AB (Imint) for the AGM 2020 has been appointed. According to the decision at the AGM 2019, the nomination committee shall consist of representatives from the three major shareholders. The members of the nomination committee are Öjvind Norberg (chair), Board Management AB, Hans Thomsen and Peter Ekerling. Katarina Bonde, chair of the board of directors, is also part of the nomination committee.

Viktig information
För att minska risken för spridning av det nya coronaviruset Covid-19 har IMINT beslutat att vidta ett antal förebyggande åtgärder inför årsstämman.

Målsättningen är att stämman ska bli kort och effektiv med minsta risk för smittspridning. Detta kan till exempel innebära att anföranden och presentationer kortas ned. Någon förtäring kommer inte heller att erbjudas i anslutning till stämman.

IMINT påminner sina aktieägare om den möjlighet som finns att inte delta i stämman personligen. Aktieägarna kan istället utse ett ombud som röstar å deras vägnar. Aktieägare som är sjuka, har sjukdomssymtom, nyligen har vistats i ett riskområde eller tillhör en riskgrupp bör delta genom ombud. Fullmaktsformulär för ombud finns tillgängliga på Bolagets webbplats

Det kommer att erbjudas möjlighet att lyssna på anföranden via länk. Mer information om hur detta går till, meddelas de som anmäler sig via ombud.

IMINT följer utvecklingen av smittspridning och myndigheternas direktiv noga och publicerar vid behov uppdaterad information på bolagets webbplats

Annual General Meeting 2019

The 2019 Annual General Meeting will take place in Uppsala on May 13.

Nomination Committee
The nomination committee of Imint Image Intelligence AB (Imint) for the AGM 2019 has been appointed. According to the decision at the AGM 2018, the nomination committee shall consist of representatives from the three major shareholders. The members of the nomination committee are Öjvind Norberg (chair), Board Management AB, Hans Thomsen and Peter Ekerling. Katarina Bonde, chair of the board of directors, is also part of the nomination committee.

Annual General Meeting 2018

Annual General Meeting 2017

The Imint 2017 Annual General Meeting was held on May 8 in Uppsala.

Proposals and Press Release for AGM 2017



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